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  • "wild-eyed" and "gentle-hearted," will recall Charles Lamb to the minds of all who knew him personally.

    Biographia Epistolaris, Volume 1. Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1803

  • "Whoever had the happiness of knowing the late George P. Bradford, upon reading that he was the son of a stout sea-captain of Duxbury, must have recalled Charles Lamb's description of one of his comrades at the old

    Early Letters of George Wm. Curtis George William Curtis 1858

  • Such an impression I never received before, nor do I suppose that I ever can again, wrote Charles Lamb after visiting Coleridge in Keswick.

    A passion for painting in the Lake District 2011

  • Everyone agrees that 99% of everything is crap, and no one is claiming Wikipedia's entries are better written than those of Charles Lamb or Edmund Gosse in the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica (my favorite).

    Caterina Fake: Participatory Media and Why I Love it (and Must Defend It) 2010

  • Those who would label them, the English critic Charles Lamb wrote, are in error.

    Louisa May Alcott Susan Cheever 2010

  • He knew well almost every British writer of note: Wordsworth, Byron, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley and a host of lesser figures, including Charles Lamb and Leigh Hunt.

    The Great Provoker 2009

  • But he did write about art, became a close friend of Charles Lamb, learnt to play almost every instrument in the orchestra, and sponsored the first English performance of Beethoven's Mass in D.

    Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG 2009

  • But he did write about art, became a close friend of Charles Lamb, learnt to play almost every instrument in the orchestra, and sponsored the first English performance of Beethoven's Mass in D.

    The best book loan in literary history? 2009

  • One such, driven beyond endurance by domestic responsibilities, financial pressures and intellectual frustration, was Mary Lamb 17641847, for ever referred to as the sister of Charles Lamb.

    Bedlam Catharine Arnold 2008

  • As a writer, Burton was described by Charles Lamb as a fantastic old great man, a quaint literary stylist inviting the reader into an old museum of musty antiquities, as though he were entering a forgotten chamber where the skeletons of seventeenth-century spiders are still poised upon undisturbed cobwebs.40 And last of all, there is Burton the psychiatrist.

    Bedlam Catharine Arnold 2008


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